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Sydney Harmony - Visit a Rehearsal

Rehearsals - Why not join us for a look and a listen?


Contact Paul Meller at vpmembership@sydneyharmony.com.au
or call 0419 635 537 during business hours

and arrange to come along to our next open rehearsal.

Every Monday night at 7:00pm we are at the Ron Dyer Centre,
crn Miller and Ridge Streets, North Sydney
behind St. Mary's Church.

What happens at a typical rehearsal?

We begin with a brief physical warm up led by one of our members, followed by vocal or presentation exercises. We then sing under the guidance of our musical director, perfecting our repertoire of songs. Videos of other choruses and quartets from around the world are sometimes shown.

Rehearsal winds up around 10:00pm when there are generally more than a few social types happy to share a drink in a nearby bar and unwind with anyone willing to join in.
Copyright © 2024 Sydney Harmony