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Sydney Harmony - Musical Director

Musical Director

Vicki Dwyer



Meet Sydney Harmony’s Musical Director - Vicki Dwyer  

After an extensive search, which attracted a field of excellent musicians, Sydney Harmony is fortunate to have appointed highly respected Sweet Adelines Director, Vicki Dwyer, as its Musical Director from February 2006.  Vicki’s significant qualifications, experience and barbershop achievements ensure the continued development of Sydney Harmony as Sydney’s leading men’s a cappella Chorus.

Vicki has always loved music and movement and has completed formal studies in piano, singing and dance through the Australian Music Examinations Board, Trinity College (London) and RADA. She is in demand as an energetic teacher of both piano and singing through her private studio.

In 2001, Vicki was appointed as a “Certified Director” in Sweet Adelines International, and she is the current Director of the Circular Keys Chorus, a position she will retain in addition to her post at Sydney Harmony. 

Vicki first joined Circular Keys in 1996 and soon was enlisted as Lead Section Leader and as the Choreographer for the Chorus.  In 1999 she moved with her family to San Francisco and joined the Lead Section of the Bay Area Showcase Chorus (BASC) in SAI Region 12.  She was soon promoted to Assistant Director, Lead Section Leader and a member of the BASC Music Staff.  During that period, she also sang Lead with the Quartet Cat's Pajamas, who competed successfully in the SAI Region 12 competition.  In March 2000, BASC won first place in the Region 12 Chorus Competition, qualifying them to compete at the 2001 Sweet Adelines International Convention in Portland, Oregon, where they achieved International 5th place (still their highest achievement!).

During her time in the USA, Vicki participated in the SAI Director Certification Program and the Regional School for Directors and Assistant Directors.  She was also active in teaching the barbershop craft to secondary school students in the Santa Clara Schools District and contributed to the Regional “Young Women in Harmony” program.  In September 2003, Vicki was honoured to be one of only six directors from around the world to be invited to direct at the Massed Sing in Phoenix during the Sweet Adelines International Convention.

On her return to Australia in January 2002, Vicki took up the directorship of Circular Keys and applied her energy and learning to the musical development of that Chorus.  By 2004, Circular Keys had achieved third place in the SAI Australian regional competition in the mid-size chorus category and fourth place overall.  Under Vicki’s leadership, Circular Keys successfully ran a membership growth program in 2003-2004. The chorus increased its membership by 55%, an achievement that won international recognition in the SAI movement.  In addition to this growth in membership numbers, in 2005 Circular Keys achieved second place in the mid-size chorus category and second place overall!

As a member of the SAI Region 34 Music Faculty, Vicki is a sought after coach for Choruses and Quartets. She also finds time to sing Lead with the Quartet Accolade.  In 2004, Accolade competed together for the first time and won the Australian National Sweet Adelines Quartet Competition with Australia's highest ever quartet score!  Accolade went on to represent Australia during October 2004 at the Sweet Adelines International Convention in Indianapolis, USA, along with quartets from all over the world! 

With Vicki’s demonstrated achievements and experience in barbershop and in other musical fields, Sydney Harmony is delighted to have her as our Musical Director.

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