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Sydney Harmony 4th Annual "Sing in Harmony" Course

Learn to Sing

From time to time the chorus conducts an introductory course for harmony singing such as this one held in 2010....... 

You could click on the link at the bottom of the page if you would like to express interest in a future course.


SING IN HARMONY: For men with a yen to:

*Sing in a choir
*Sing with a talented group of singers
*Sing a wide range of musical styles 
*Sing in quality public performances
*Sing in four-part harmony
Vicki Dwyer, the Musical Director of “Circular Keys” women’s chorus and Sydney Harmony Men's Chorus will be teaching an Introductory  Harmony Singing Course on six consecutive Monday evenings at norths Leagues Club, Abbott St. Cammeray from 16th August 2010.This will be the 4th Annual Course and it provides an excellent opportunity for men of all ages to try their hand at harmony singing. It will be held in the "Kameraigal Room" from 7.30-10.30pm. At the end of the course you will be invited to sing in a concert in the club for a public audience.
The total course cost is only $90 - remarkably good value for 18 hours of tuition. (High School Students - Free-of-Charge). There will be no auditions or embarrassing solos, and the emphasis will be on you having fun with no undue pressure to perform. On the first evening, you will be voice tested so that we can assign you to the correct voice part.
Sydney Harmony established itself as Sydney’s leading male voice chorus by winning the McDonald's Performing Arts Challenge (MPAC) Community Choir Competition in 2004. Sydney Harmony reached the final of this year's MPAC Show Choirs Competition. In four of the last five national Men’s Harmony choir competitions, Sydney Harmony has taken away a top three-place medal. This course will be a further learning experience for Sydney Harmony members as well.

You do not have to be a great singer to join this successful group – our singers are amateurs with good voices who enjoy singing harmony. At minimal cost our singers enjoy three hours of training every week under our inspiring Musical Director Vicki Dwyer, a professional music teacher & successful chorus director. We provide learning materials like MP3s for each vocal part that are easily downloaded from our website by members.
You do not have to read music to sing with Sydney Harmony although it certainly does help to have some musical knowledge. You just need to be able to hold a tune, listen often to the teaching MP3s before rehearsals, and be prepared to listen and watch closely when you are up “on the risers”.
To register, click on the link below to send us an e-mail with your name, mailing & e-mail address, and we will get back to you with more details. Tell your friends about the course.
If you love music, and would like to sing with a great male chorus, come along.- you will enjoy yourself and we hope you will want to come back for more.

click here > > >        I want to express my interest now!