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Sydney Harmony Testimonials


  • Regarding ACCESS 2012 Opening Ceremony

    Hi Vicki.

    Sorry I didn't get a chance to see and thank you at the end of the event. There were just too many people to negotiate. And many of those people were singing the praises of your choir, which was magnificent. CONGRATULATIONS!
    Many remarked on the appropriateness of the Irish Blessing as the closing number.
    The choir's conflation with the atmospherics and the aboriginal ceremonies and performance was even better than I had wished for. It was seamless.
    We certainly appreciate the opportunity to have worked with you and hope we get the chance to do that again in the near future.
    Best regards,


  • Regarding Our Voices @ Norths 2009 concert
  • Sydney Harmony put on a great show yesterday, you guys are sure getting better all the time. So there is no doubt it is cheers to Vicky too. But you have all worked so hard to achieve being tops.

    Cheers Geoff


  • Regarding Our Voices @ Norths 2008 concert
  • After not having heard the Sydney Harmony Choir for some time, I was very impressed with the improvement of the Choir under the leadership of Vicky Dwyer.

    I enjoyed the concert very much - if anything, the program was a little long.
    - Martje Roos

    "... it was great to be able to finally make it to one of your concerts to see what you've been up to the last few years - well, quite a few - and now I understand why you've been so devoted to it, and also why you must enjoy it so very much. You'd really have to be dedicated to the discipline to get to the standard you guys are singing at. I hope you still have "Shanandoah" (can't spell it) on your repertoire - I did love that recording! And I enjoyed the concert a lot! What a luxury to watch all those people making beautiful sounds for an afternoon. Though I think the quartets could have taken the cue from their more modest hosts and cut down their sets by one or more songs each, good as they were"
    - Linda Stainton

    * "Thank you so much for the spectacular afternoon. Lunch was lovely (and terrific selection, David, thank you). The music was heavenly. Thank you so much for affording us the opportunity for such splendid enjoyment".

    * "You sang beautifully, more 'together' than I heard you sing at Darling Harbour".

    * "What a great afternoon's entertainment. And, my friend won a lovely bottle of champagne to top it off!"
    - Guests of David Ojerholm


  • Regarding Our Angel Place 2003 concert
  • Thank you again for asking us ..... it was a pleasure to perform in front of such an enthusiastic crowd ..... the choir really performed very well ..... and there is a terrific synergy in the choir's performance. Congratulations to all!
    - Roland Peelman - Song Company Artistic Director


  • Regarding Our Angel Place 2002 concert
  • - I loved the big choir - all of it
    - Loved the FREEFALL boyz - all of it
    - The little girls were delightful
    - Acknowledge the spangly islanders were very good, but their song selection was poor
    - The blue people were without doubt excellent, but went on for too too long...
    - The overall time (3 hours) was a challenge to my attention span.
    - Had a ball, many thanks

    - Dale (Jim's Guest)

    A big WELL DONE from Katrina & I! Your chorus has really progressed to the next level.

    As a suggestion, for the finale (which involves shirt ripping!), why not have the whole group in white dress gloves? For not a lot of outlay for each member, you would further add to the CLASS of the presentation - especially during the choreographed numbers... Think about it.

    Well done on a fine performance!
    - David Whitehead (Dave Enock's son-in-law)

    Thank you for inviting us to Sydney Harmony last evening, we had a lovely evening. Sydney Harmony best on the programme with inclusion of Freefall - they really do sing as one voice and look as if they are enjoying it.
    - Barbara & Ted Grimley (Dave Enock's guests)

    ....very enjoyable as always, this year especially so with so many good groups.

    You guys need to put down a CD with the quartet on the same disc, as do that jazz group with the double bass. All very impressive......
    - Ed (guest of Roger Turvey)

    I just wanted to pass on my congratulations on such a wonderful concert on Saturday night!! My friends & I enjoyed it immensley! It was difficult to say what performers i enjoyed the most - they were all outstanding!

    Being a christian, i also greatly appreciated the christian songs that were chosen, especially your rendition of It Is Well With My Soul. I always felt it needed a good male section to really make it sound great, so to hear an entire male choir sing it was just sensational!! so congratulations once again on a job well done!! I look forward to attending your concerts in the future.
    - Donna (David Ojerholm's friend)

    Mark was very impressed, he commented that he had not expected anything 'so professional' and 'entertaining'! As well as SH Chorus, the real Highlights for my family were 'FREEFALL' and 'BLUES POINT' .
    - Don Reade's son Mark (20 yrs old)

    Gentlemen, the performance you gave the other night at the Angel Place Show was your best yet. For the first time so far (consistently), you managed to take the audience on a musical AND emotional journey.

    Congratulations, you made me very proud.
    - Jim Catt

    ....the night was very professional and I congratulate you on a great performance. The AGC loved being involved.....the girls loved their programmes. Thank you for providing them with this.
    - Belinda Gray, NSW Manager of the Australian Girls Choir

    ...thank you very much for the wonderful concert, which we enjoyed very much!

    Surprized Sydney Harmony isn't doing concerts far more often, with the amazing professionalism on display......
    - Dermot (guest of Roger Turvey)

    Thanks ..... It was wonderful to have the opportunity to sing in that venue, a real TREAT!.....
    - Lorraine Silk of Blues Point


  • Regarding Sydney Harmony in general
  • One corporate client particularly wanted the chorus to make a surprise entrance shortly after 600 guests sat down to dinner. This is what the function organiser wrote:

    I must admit to feeling a little nervousness as to the logistics of smuggling up to 80 people into the building. However, not only did we achieve the element of surprise for the 600 attendees, the very sight of the group appearing brought spontaneous applause. I was most impressed with the professional organisation of such a large group, before and after the night. The whole segment could not have gone more smoothly.
    Finally, the performers were a delight to listen to and, just as importantly, showed their enjoyment in performing.

    Again, thank you and the group for being a highlight to a most memorable night of entertainment.


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