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Sydney Harmony - What is Barbershop?

The Barbershop Genre

What is Barbershop music?

Barbershop music is a unique style of a cappella 4-part harmony comprising the Lead who carries the melody, the Bass who sings the lowest harmonising note, the Baritone who completes the chord and the Tenor who harmonises above the melody. When all 4-parts in a quartet or chorus are in perfect balance, a “ringing” or overtone sound is produced. This “ring” is a joy to the singers and audience alike. Barbershop music is also about presentation, and props and precise choreography are used to enhance the score’s message and entertainment value.

Who are Barbershop singers?

The Australian Association of Men Barbershop Singers (AAMBS) was incorporated in 1986 as a non-profit organisation that today represents almost 1000 amateur male singers throughout Australia, including Sydney Harmony.

AAMBS members are amateur singers from all walks of life with a range of ages from 16 to over 75 years. All barbershoppers have great fun expressing themselves through music and public performances. In the process, they develop camaraderie; they bring joy to their own lives; and they enrich their family and community lives.

AAMBS is an affiliate of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS) of the USA. There are many other affiliates of the BHS throughout the world in countries such as New Zealand, Ireland, the UK, Germany, Sweden and South Africa.

The worldwide barbershop movement boasts some 35,000 registered members, and has recently been expanding into such diverse areas as Russia, China and Japan.


Is Barbershop expanding?

Yes! In many Australian states, more young people are singing barbershop. In fact, in Victoria, barbershop is part of the music curriculum in some schools. A youth quartet from New Zealand competed in the USA’s prestigious collegiate championships, and won last year. Moves are afoot to emulate this success in Australia. AAMBS has just released a formal program to introduce barbershop to more schools especially those state schools without formal music programs.

What else does the Barbershop movement offer the community?

Many Australian choruses support their respective communities by performing gratis in hospitals, homes for the aged and the like. One chorus in Sydney for example, donates a substantial amount of their annual proceeds to the Oncology Ward of the Children’s Hospital. Virtually all choruses have charities that they support. 

Singing is life and all communities would be better off if more people of all nations took the time out to sing, bring joy to others and improve peace of mind and well being in this hectic world. Especially barbershop singing, where amateur men of all ages and backgrounds can participate.

Links to more information about barbershop

Australia           www.aambs.com.au
Internationally   www.barbershop.org       www.harmonize.ws/links/

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