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Sydney Harmony Honour Roll

Honour Roll

David Ojerholm

Life Membership 2021


Awarded to David Ojerholm

We are delighted to present Life Membership to David Ojerholm, a guiding light and one of the true champions of the chorus over the past 20 years. Congratulations David!

Tony Sykes

Barbershopper of the Year 2016


Awarded to Tony Sykes

Tony is a tireless, self-motivated achiever and musical leader for the chorus.
His weekly bulletins are superb - well written and interesting, they keep us well informed of what is going on in chorus and within Barbershop around the world.
Tony does a fantastic job promoting the chorus on social media, and in finding and organising opportunities for us to perform and even earn money - most notably World Harmony Day and the Bridgeclimb opportunities in 2017.
Tony's selection of music is fantastic for the chorus. We love it! His learning tracks and rehearsal recordings are essential learning aids. He teaches us fun tags and he sings like an Angel.
We are a better chorus thanks in no small way to Tony Sykes. Thanks for everything!

Bob Fritz

Life Membership


Awarded to Bob Fritz

Bob Fritz is an exceptionally knowledgeable barbershopper, having been singing BBS for 69 years. He joined Sydney Harmony in 1999, while still a member of the SydneySiders. Bob has made countless contributions to the chorus over the past 16 years. He is the first to volunteer for fundraisers, helps with promotion of BBS through numerous radio and TV interviews, and has been a marvellous MC at many national conventions and most of Sydney Harmony's own concerts.

As if he couldn't get enough of BBS, Bob became a member of the national executive organising national conventions. He worked with Sydney Harmony's convention committee when we hosted the 2007 national convention, playing a pivotal role in making that convention the most financially successful to date.

Bob is dedicated to improving the standard of his own and other's barbershop performance. He's always one of the first members to master a new song, including the choreography. He is very quick to help  those around him who he judges not to have the choreography correct.  Bob is a stickler for riser discipline, being one of the first onto the risers. As the chorus' first 80 year old member, Bob doesn't let anything apart from trips to the USA to visit his children and grandchildren interfere with rehearsal attendance.

Bob Fritz is a worthy recipient of Life Membership of Sydney Harmony and we wish him and Sue all the best in his retirement to the Lake Macquarie area.

David Ojerholm

Barbershopper of the Year 2015


Awarded to David Ojerholm

David is a visionary and dedicated President and Barbershopper. He is very generous with his time and would have given even more if his health had allowed. He always leads from the front by organising & volunteering for Bunnings BBQs and Trivia Nights. David single handedly set up the 2015 Holiday Voices Bonanza Raffle that netted the chorus $3600, and he was personally responsible for selling 22+ raffle books. David also played a leading role in organising our Annual Concert at the Independent Theatre. David was the driving force behind Sydney Harmony’s application for Registered Cultural Organisation status that was awarded by the Australian Ministry for the Arts in January 2015. David was previously awarded BOTY in 2008.

Tony Sykes

Life Membership


Awarded to Tony Sykes

“Phenomenal consistency in his effort to promote the club, its members and our section. He is positive, dedicated, and conscientious about all aspects of the club, its business, its singing and its  enjoyment and fun. To top it all off, he sings like an angel!” This quotation, from one of Sydney  Harmony members who nominated Tony for the 2014 Barbershopper of the Year Award describes  Tony perfectly. During the last 15 years, Tony has prepared voice parts for new songs and  maintained our music library on the Sydney Harmony website. Tony was responsible for setting up  MySpace and Facebook social networks that project Sydney Harmony as a more ‘modern’ and  attractive chorus for men to join. Tony is our Tenor section leader, a member of the music team and  the executive committee where he serves as Vice President Music. Tony sang Tenor with the  Australian Gold Medal Quartet, Freefall who represented Australia in 2005 at the BHS International  Barbershop Quartet Championships in Salt Lake City.

Guy Gibson

Life Membership


Awarded to Guy Gibson

Guy has been an outstanding contributor to Sydney Harmony since its inception over 15 years ago. Guy has always been there to direct the chorus when required. He’s used his leadership skills to  motivate and inspire members during Barbershop conventions, Sydney eisteddfods and gigs. When  our first musical director resigned, Guy played a key role in holding the chorus together as Acting  Musical Director. Guy was also instrumental in convincing Vicki Dwyer to apply for the position. A  member of the music team and leader of the Baritone section, Guy has a great voice and range and  has sung Baritone, Lead and Bass in various quartets at competitions. Guy sang Baritone with the  Australian Gold Medal Quartet, Freefall who represented Australia in 2005 at the BHS International  Barbershop Quartet Championships in Salt Lake City.

Dennis Ho
Warren "Wazza" Lewis

Barbershopper of the Year 2014


Awarded to Dennis Ho, Warren "Wazza" Lewis

Joint Winners of the 2014 Steve Ferrick Barbershopper of the Year Award

Dennis Ho is now into his 4th year as treasurer, doing a sterling job with his critical and analytical mind, great commitment and discipline.  

Dennis has distinguished himself in 2014 in a number of other ways:

  • He studied the criteria for what constitutes a Registered Cultural Organisation (RCO), reviewed our Constitution and liaised with the Australian Ministry for the Arts, all of which helped other members of the RCO sub-committee to confirm their instincts that this was worth pursuing

  • He’s saved the chorus money by initiating the transfer of all our savings to one bank

  • He’s a team player, a very fine singer, member of the music team and was our star, singled out at the presentation judge’s review at the Pan Pacific Convention in Wellington, NZ.

  • He’s always there to help out at Bunnings fundraisers – even willingly rushing off to Coles for more food in a hurry!

Warren Lewis is a ‘Go to’ and ‘Can do’ man with a big and very generous heart.

  • Warren’s always ‘hands on’ and there to help other members of ExCom when needed & never hesitates to drop things, get in his car and travel miles to do something special for Sydney Harmony. Without doubt this would have cost the chorus plenty if Warren had ever sent a bill for petrol during this year, and years gone by.

  • When John Gleeson went to hospital for the very last time this year, and was unable to reconcile the last bit of concert ticket sales and all of the raffle sales including those sold before the concert, Warren didn’t hesitate, jumped in and did the lot. Indeed, this was something ‘above & beyond the call of duty.’ It was a very hard & time consuming job but the reward was to see the look of gratitude & relief on John Gleeson’s face.   

Furthermore, both Dennis and Warren showed what good teamwork could do when they put their heads together and set up a detailed budget at the beginning of the year as well as a system to regularly scrutinise Actuals vs Budget so that the executive committee always knew where we stood financially. This was certainly a game-changer for Sydney Harmony.

Mike Barlow

Barbershopper of the Year 2013


Awarded to Mike Barlow

Mike over many years has provided consistent and on-going support for all Sydney Harmony activities.  As Bass Section Leader, Committee member, Vice President and President of Sydney Harmony he has consistently worked to the betterment of the Chorus.  His guidance, common sense approach and counsel have provided support for the Committee and several Presidents through difficult times as Sydney Harmony has developed in recent years.  He has worked tirelessly, providing many hours of his time supporting; fund raising activities, contest participation, performances, quartet development and chasing chorus performance improvement.

Paul Meller

Barbershopper of the Year 2012


Awarded to Paul Meller

VP Membership 2012 - 
For an outstanding contribution to Sydney Harmony’s membership initiatives over an intense couple of years.  Paul has enthusiastically taken on new membership activities, instituting new procedures and activities specifically designed to increase the Chorus’ membership.  His work with other Committee members and the general membership garnering support for each new membership and “Learn to Sing” drive has been instrumental in securing a solid and expanding membership base. Paul played the leading role in securing a $5000 grant from the City of Sydney in support of the "Learn to Sing" membership drive.

John Parker

Barbershopper of the Year 2010


Awarded to John Parker

John has served for many years on the chorus marketing team and was active in the production and management of our great 2007 National Convention in Sydney. In recent years he has opened nearly every rehearsal by directing singers in physical warmups. In 2010 he was appointed joint Section Leader of the Bass section and was named "Barbershopper of the Year".

Bob Haynes

Barbershopper of the Year 2009


Awarded to Bob Haynes

Bob has served in several roles for the chorus, maintaining our music resouces, keeping our copyright obligations fulfilled and serving as our representative at the AAMBS Eastern Region meetings. In 2009 he was named as Barbershopper of the Year for his unselfish services to the chorus.

David Ojerholm

Barbershopper of the Year 2008


Awarded to David Ojerholm

David has made a significant contribution to the chorus since he joined in 2000. Four consecutive years as Treasurer, one year as VP Programs, four years as President, and member of the 2007 AAMBS convention committee as Treasurer and member of the marketing group. As the leader of the 2008 marketing committee, David initiated the organisation & promotion of the 2008 annual concert end July at norths club. This was the first concert held at norths since the chorus started rehearsals there in 2005. The concert was a sell-out, and a great financial success. norths were especially pleased since the concert offered new entertainment for its members and attracted one of the largest Sunday afternoon crowds for a very long time..

Tony Sykes

Barbershopper of the Year 2006


Awarded to Tony Sykes

Tony has always been the tireless Section Leader of the Tenors. His enthusiasm and musicality is seen by all and he has produced many fine 'teach tapes' for all sections of the chorus. This year, 2006, he did something extra special with his initiative in developing a page on the 'Myspace' website. This has given us an additional, attractive and international website which will help to get us known locally and overseas. It will greatly facilitate the electronic search for gigs by agents and others. It has given us a de facto promotional pack and will help us advertise future events.

Guy Gibson

Barbershopper of the Year 2005


Awarded to Guy Gibson

Guy was the original Lead Section Leader from SH's inception in 1999 until November 2004 when he became the Baritone Section Leader on Peter Marcus's retirement from that position. Always a music 'rock' of the chorus and an inspirational Assistant Musical Director Guy led us through a very difficult time that followed Jim Catt's retirement at the end of 2005. Guy contributed significantly to the MD Search Committee and was instrumental in securing the services of our new MD.

Criteria for BOTY

The Barbershopper of the Year title (and trophy) is awarded not for singing, but for outstanding contribution to the chorus during the previous 12 months. Runners-up are awarded certificates of appreciation. All full members of the chorus are eligible, except for the following:

  • Current members of the Executive
  • The Music Director
  • Past winners of the award (see above)

To better understand what this award is about, here is an excerpt from a recent Executive discussion on the subject:

"There are many members who do great things unselfishly for the chorus without ever expecting the BOTY award. Their reward is seeing a positive development of the chorus in the process. The BOTY should be awarded for an outstanding and extraordinary contribution that really changes the chorus operation in a big positive way - a real step forward, a "grand slam home run," or a six on the last ball at a one-dayer."

All chorus members are encouraged to nominate someone. The more nominations the better. The ideal would be for the ExCom to receive one nomination from every member of the chorus - that would give them a very clear idea of who the members think the most deserving individuals are. Once all the nominations are in, the Executive will decide on the winner. The reason that the winner is not decided by a general chorus vote is that the Executive feels that most chorus members are usually unaware of the true extent of the work done by these special people behind the scenes.

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