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Sydney Harmony - Membership

Want to become a member?

For more information, see below or please contact Paul Meller at membership@sydneyharmony.com.au,
or phone
0419 635 537 (during business hours).

Any male who can sing in tune and is fit enough to stand for an hour at a time while singing is welcome to audition for membership in Sydney Harmony.

The beauty of what we do is that a talented amateur, who doesn’t need to sight-sing music, can become an accomplished member of our chorus.

So how does the process work?

At the beginning
you will be introduced to our musical director. In private, the musical director will ask you to sing a few simple melodies and to run through a couple of basic vocal exercises. This will allow her to assess your vocal proficiency and determine your voice range - tenor, lead, baritone or bass.

you'll be introduced to the appropriate section leader and lent the sheet music for the songs we will sing on the night. You will be invited to sing with us straight away.

Within a couple of days
you will be given access to our website, from which you can download the charts and MP3 versions of several songs, of which two will be chosen for audition.

On the 4th week you attend rehearsal
we require a financial commitment. The treasurer will introduce himself at this point.

Whenever you are ready
you will sing the two audition songs, again in private, for the musical director or her nominee. The musical director will listen for accuracy, and quality. Passing this assessment, which may take two or three attempts, allows you to join Sydney Harmony as a full member.

As a full member
you will be given website access to our full repertoire of songs. You will sing with us each week in your section, and by listening to those around you have a chance to improve your understanding of our interpretation of the songs and to memorise your part.

Once you join the chorus
you can expect to be part of an ambitious group who love to sing and have their sights set on becoming one of the best men's a capella singing groups in Australia.

We expect you to regularly attend rehearsals, be punctual and to learn the words and music of our repertoire songs as soon as possible outside of rehearsals. We ask that you share our aim of seeking to achieve excellence in our singing, vocal production, musicality and stage presentation.

Copyright © 2024 Sydney Harmony