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Sydney Harmony Member Testimonials

Member Testimonials

Recently members and associates of Sydney Harmony were invited to share what they got out of being associated with the chorus, the following represent some of their initial responses.

Please enjoy the colourful, serious and heartfelt comments below.

John - Retired Mechanical Designer
One day my wife pointed to an ad in the Sydney Morning Herald: “You’d like that” she said. It was advertising a newly formed group: ‘Harbour City Harmony’ who sang in the barbershop style. Singing with that group I found that we could routinely create the elusive harmony I’d heard years before. Sixteen years later I sing with Sydney Harmony (the best chorus in NSW) and regularly line up with thirty other ‘chord junkies’ singing for our own and our audiences’ delight in the magical power of harmony.

Bob - Property Manager
I am what many would classify a “barbershop tragic”. I first joined a chorus some fifteen years ago as a replacement for my competition squash career of 20 years which had come to an end through injury and I was searching for an alternative hobby. I am pleased to report that the thrill, the excitement and the challenge of performing well in front of an audience, whether it is part of a 90 or a 30 man chorus, or a quartet, far outweighs anything I imagined when I first entered the church hall for my first practice night those many years ago.

Guy - Club Manager
Whilst my life as a harmony singer started some 17 years ago I guess I have wanted to sing for as long as I can remember. I played in bands and sang in groups when I was a teenager and dreamed about becoming a musician.  But life had a different plan for me and before I knew it I found myself with a 'normal' job and a family and the opportunities to sing to people were few and far between. Then I discovered harmony singing through a colleague who introduced me to his chorus. With Sydney Harmony I found not only an engaging hobby but a group of new friends that loved the same things that I did.
In the last decade and a half singing with my chorus and my quartet I have been granted some priceless experiences. To win the open choir event at the Sydney Eistedffod, to win the State barbershop championships, to wear the national gold medal and represent my country at the Barbershop Harmony Society international convention, to sing in a 500 voice choir in the US and to sing our national anthem in front of over 10,000 people. These experiences will stay with me all my life. Apart from contest and performance experiences there are the countless times I have enjoyed the pure pleasure of making beautiful music with just a few mates and a snippet of music. None of it would have happened if I had not accepted that first invitation to come and sing with my local chorus. I'm so glad I did.

Heino – Production Engineer
I wish I had the opportunity to join a singing group much earlier.  I have learnt how to sing and the sense of achievement when producing a melodious masterpiece for the enjoyment of audiences is a thrill that motivates me to try bettering my singing skills by any means available. Singing has helped me through serious health problems and today I feel younger and more self assured than I did before joining Sydney Harmony five years ago.  Being part of a chorus like Sydney Harmony is a great challenge but the rewards are so enjoyable, satisfying and even thrilling.

John - Construction Site Manager
In my job it is not unusual to work 12 hours a day, six days a week so sometimes it is unbearably demanding. People often ask me how I handle the pressure of meeting time and budget constraints and stay sane. I tell them I’ve got a secret …… every Monday I knock off early and go singing. In 2002 I was driving home after work and I saw a banner across a bridge advertising for male singers to sing with Sydney Harmony, I’d done a bit of singing in theatre and church so I thought I’d give it a go. I went along to have a listen and I’ve never stopped going back every Monday night for more.
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