WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for commonfiles/sydneyharmony/db_uploads/Sydney_Harmony.png
(File: format.inc.php Line: 297, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
Sydney Harmony 2001 Talent Quest Photos

2001 Talent Quest Photos

WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00600.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00632.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00626.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00627.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00628.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00629.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00630.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00631.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00625.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00633.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00634.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00635.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00636.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00637.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00638.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00016.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00023.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00010.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
WARNING: filesize(): stat failed for photos/DVC00006.jpg
(File: image_view.inc.php Line: 211, PHP version: 8.2.0, Platform: WINNT)
And now for the winner
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00600.jpg
John and his gentle rock ballad!
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00632.jpg
Africa beckons
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00626.jpg
Kevin's Christmas offering
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00627.jpg
Bring Him Home
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00628.jpg
Our very own Mr Domingo!
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00629.jpg
September 11 Dedication
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00630.jpg
George's Tales
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00631.jpg
Max and his tragic wagon
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00625.jpg
It don't mean a thing
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00633.jpg
Tony and Sam
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00634.jpg
Our Bill
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00635.jpg
Hey 'Nonnie'!
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00636.jpg
Lots of puff required
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00637.jpg
The Piano Man
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00638.jpg
Mr M.C.
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00016.jpg
Mr Mouth Organ
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00023.jpg
Rockin Trio
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00010.jpg
Rockin Duo
Error - missing file: photos/DVC00006.jpg